We train people to save people.

Suicide Intervention & Prevention Training

America’s suicide epidemic reached a grim new mark in 2022. Nearly 50,000 Americans took their own lives, the highest number on record.*

*SOURCE: Forbes, August 10, 2023

The Intervene Challenge: World Class Suicide Intervention Training

At Stop Suicide USA, we have one mission — to save lives via the reduction of suicide. We do it with the Intervene Challenge, a one-day suicide prevention training event in which participants gain the skills and confidence to be ready, willing, and able to engage individuals in their times of crisis. The core curriculum is based on the Listen Learn Lead (L3) approach, a three-tiered model of intervention based on five core values.

The L3 model uses the same techniques Ken Koon, our founder, has used in conducting more than 2,000 successful suicide interventions since 2012, in both military and civilian communities.

The Stop Suicide Intervene Challenge

Peachtree City Fire-Rescue Squad

Who should participate in The Intervene Challenge?

The Intervene Challenge benefits individuals from all walks of life, offering applications in any number of situations. What began in 2012 as an effort to reduce veteran and first-responder suicides has grown to serving federal, state and local agencies, universities and schools, faith and civic organizations and many others. More than 30,000 participants have been trained in suicide intervention and prevention working with Stop Suicide USA via the Intervene Challenge.

Stop Suicide USA (formerly Armed Forces Mission) has established itself as the go-to source for world-class suicide intervention training. Those trained are now active in communities across the country, helping at-risk individuals find the power to choose life.

Contact us today about participating in The Intervene Challenge or organizing a workshop for your community.

  • Veteran suicides are 230% higher than civilian population.

    SOURCE: Veterans Affairs

  • Every year 3.5 million individuals make a suicide plan; 1.7 million of them attempt suicide.

    SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • One in three teen girls seriously considers suicide.


  • Nurses are 18% more likely to die from suicide than the general population.

    SOURCE: National Institutes of Health

  • 35% of individuals who die by suicide had recently visited a faith community.

    SOURCE: Lifeway Research

  • 37% of first responders contemplate suicide.

    SOURCE: Psychiatric Times

Dr. Kenneth Loon at suicide intervention training

Meet Dr. Kenneth “Lou” Koon.

Ken is an author, advocate and trainer in suicide intervention. He retired from the US Army Reserves in 2021 as a Lt. Colonel and Suicide Intervention Subject Matter Expert (SME). He has served more than 32 years as a hospital, fire, law enforcement and military chaplain, and is currently the Crisis Intervention Chaplain for the Peachtree City, GA Police Department. He has served as a consultant to the Georgia Safe and Secure Project, and on the strategic committee that drafted the Georgia State Suicide Prevention Plan.

Your generous support makes our mission possible.

Whether it’s intervening in a 10-hour standoff with a veteran in crisis, working with a teen struggling to restore resilience after a suicide attempt or just being there in the heat of the moment when a hurting person has lost hope, your support makes our mission possible.